House Update
So it occurs to me that I have been a little tawdy in keeping people up to date with what is happening with Newhouse at the mo'.
Not sure hat you might know so I'll just go ahead and give a quick run down.
Well, firstly the architect, Britt, has finished her initial survey - that basically amounts to going 'yep that's what we got at the mo'. The next stage(s) that she is doing is drawing up a plan and schedule for the work and doing a sort of recording report of what is there as far as the historic features and history of the property and the like.
We had the builder, Wayne, do a bunch of stuff. He's taken out the fireplace in the kitchen in prep for the stove, taken down a couple of breeze block walls so know you can go from the toilet to the front bedroom, and taken away the panel that was between the toilet and the bathroom to be repaired so that we can close the bathroom of and make it a bedroom. He also took the false ceiling down in the porch and the porch looks sooo much nicer without it. The thing with the kitchen fireplace is a bit of stress at the mo' though as when they filled it in they seemed to brick it up entirely, leaving no space behind. This is not normal. All the books say you knock down a little brick wall and there is a cavity that forms the fireplace behind. So it means there is now a big messy hole with no clear idea as to what was put in when and how much of it is supporting the chimney/wall. Not an ideal situation.
We have also had the whole house rewired. And the cabling is laid for new wiring whenever we get permission to put in the new sockets and what have you. They have done a cracking job - and the new conduit (we was made tailor made for this build) looks real nice and discreet.
Err, and we've taken out the bath from the bathroom, and mostly sorted out the plumbing there. In so much as we've resected and capped the cold supply and tested it and now it works. And Fixed the cistern so we have a flushing toilet. Yet to test the hot water system though, and def' not sure what we are doing about hot water in the interim as I'm not sure what state the immersion coil will be in.
Anyway, that's mostly it I think - ohh and the ceilings have been relathed and are waiting for plastering - so if anyone can recommend a good lime plasterer then please do!
Sounds like things are coming along in leaps and bounds
It certainly all looked very cool when we were looking round last weekend. Can't wait to see what it's like when it's finished (I imagine you guys can't either!).
See you soon!
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