Why is yawning contagious?
"New research suggests rather than being a precursor to sleep, the purpose of yawning is to cool the brain so it operates more efficiently and keeps you awake."
Not unlike a troll helmet then.
And does this mean (not having actually read the article yet) Alaskans (say) don't yawn, but Texan yawn all the time. And for that matter, if you put an Alaskan in Texas would he yawn all the time and think slow, and a Texan in Alaska would the reverse?
Should I buy a walk in freezer for my brother to do his homework in so he has some hope of passing anything ever?
Interesting. I was always told that it was a method of increasing the amount of oxygen you were taking in. I suppose the two could be connected. I'm guessing the freezer might be a tad too cold. Perhaps a powerful fan directed at his head would do instead?
if that freezer reference was for me, you can expect a regular reminder of THE GAME.
So; still not worked out how to unlock your blogger account. I rest my case - oh hot headed one.
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