Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Blood bath

...well bed really.

Woke up on Monday morning with an oddly familiar, but out of place, smell in my nostrils - one that made me feel more than a little nauseous.

It was the smell of slept in dry blood, something that I have become quite familiar with from my work in A&E - I can still picture they way it clings to you after you go to someone on the ward.

Why was this I hear you shout - well Tiny had toddled through from his bed to ours in the night. Along the way his foot encountered the detritus of my discarded clothes causing him to fall and bang his head on the corner of the bed.

This also apparently led to him cutting his forehead, I thought he was just upset 'cause he had fallen in the dark (he don't like the dark one little bit, possibly his only weak spot). Apparently not.

He now looks like a prize fighter - with one eye swollen and bruised, a little cut just above the eyebrow steri-stripped up.

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