Sunday, November 05, 2006

I Told You So

See I am back, said I would be.

And there's nothing on tellie - but even if there was I'm sat in the front room (which is actually kinda at the side of the house but that's another argument; it was at the back of the previous house and I still called it the front room).

Now the keen among you might have noticed something (I'm presuming that majority of person reading this blog will have been to my house) - Yes, I have moved house. But no I haven't moved my new house - in fact I've moved in with my inlaws (well sister-in-law).

As they are doing a kinda week commute north to south (and backa again!) it means we have the house to ourselves most of the week and they don't have to worry about (any other) squatters when they're at work. Seems to be working out quite well at present. Has the advantage of being across the wood from the house we are working on, and my mum et al. So that's good. Nice to be out of the countryside a little bit.

So why haven't I posted for so long?

Well, there in lies a tale - and a tale I am willing to share with one and all (aren't you lucky boys and girls).

Actually it's more like a series of excuses really.

Firstly, I was (I may have previously mentioned) house sitting at the summer. And although they have all the prerequisites (a computer, broadband etc) it's just not the same as being at 'home'. Then came the snap decision to move house. And so I have been some-what busy with that.

So this moving means I'm once again without broadband. A lamentable state of affairs I might add; I wait all summer to be near my computer (how much do I want a laptop) and when I have the computer I have no connection so I can't do all the things I really wanted to do!

So after a couple or four weeks we get the broadband sorted and it's all cool.

Well at least it would be - but then (and this is the fun bit) about a 2 weeks after that my tiny toddle of death decides to stand on the bath and use a flannel to plug up the sink, and then turn the tap on full. 'That's cool' I can hear you saying 'that's what overflow's for'. But no you under-estimate the tiny one; for he is one-step-ahead and has already found a plastic bung to wedge into it.

So sometime later our lass is wandering around in the kitchen and notices the floor is wet - but can't fathom it. At the time the washing machine was pumping out and she figured it must be that. So whilst fanatically trying to mop around the washing machine the tiny bundle of wrath tugs on her to say he needs the toilet. Now at this point it could all have got a lot worse - 'cause in the normal course of events we'd stick him in on the potty and jobs a good 'un. But the potty was missing, annoying if you're trying to catch the contents of a washing machine, but in retrospect quite handy as the water was in fact pouring from the several inches that are lying on the floor of the bathroom.

So after a gruelling (hem hem) 14hr shift I return to a house that has been plunged into the dark ages 'cause the waters fused all the electrics.

Under advisement we wait for it to dry out, and wait, and wait - and eventually get sick of waiting and get a 'lecy to fix the problem. Anyway, this all took about two or three weeks to sort out. And although it was sorted a few weeks ago I was somewhat out of the habit of writing and had what seemed like a depressing amount of 'news' to tell. Making it hard cut swathe into it.

I've got plenty more news to share - but I think I'll let you off for now. Hopefully I'll get to share some of the recent happenings in and amongst before the moment has passed, and I will try to be less sporadic - promise.

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