Monday, November 20, 2006

Sing A Song Of......


So this happened sometime previous but a recent chance remark brought it back to my mind. First born thought of a song - he made it up all on his ownsome - that's what he says and I've no reason to doubt. It goes something like this (I apologies, I'm sure I haven't got the verse quite right, Someone please chip in). It came with amusing action as well. You prob' guess them but they are added to the bottom of the verse for completeness.

March like a soldier
March like a soldier
March like a soldier
March like a soldier
March like a soldier
marching type action

Dress like a soldier *5
mime putting clothes on

Train like a soldier *6
mime doing various exercises

Polish you Helmet like a soldier *5
mime polishing your helmet!

Shoot like a soldier *5
mime shooting

Die like a soldier *5
this is the best one as it involves going kinda limp and rag doll like at the end of the verse.

Now there's two things I note of this.

1. Small child double-entendre is the best (I I only noticed the amusement of the polish verse being followed by shoot like a soldier whilst writing it just now).

2. My son has an unnerving grasp on what it is like to be a soldier - you become institutionalised and then die.

Also in news of the day - It's my birthday. Yippee. Okay it's four in the am so I haven't actually got much news on that front; but none the less if I knew where my pressies were hid I 'd run down stairs and open them!

1 comment:

Ste said...

Happy Birthday,
and a new look blog to boot, with a slighlty transparent do you do that?