Tuesday, December 05, 2006

A Right to Reply

I refer you to my darling brothers post

I don't wish to discuss his giving up on spelling - mainly as I thought he had done that some time ago, rather his harsh and hurtful comment about the lollipop lady.

At this point I'd like to say I know nothing of this lollipop lady - and she may well be a witch. But I do have to say that if she is then he's (my bro) in a lot of trouble 'cause my memory of the most excellent bewitched leads me to believe that if a witch wiggles/crinkles or otherwise deforms their nose at you, you're in for a hexing (check out the cute little ani about half way dopwn the page).

Further to this I have no idea what Zyclon is and so he who must be mocked should have done that or possibly this. (okay having found that last link I realise this was a lie (mainly due to the incomplete-ness of the name in his posting, but my point still stands I say)

Also, and this relates to my first point, - Sam is most defiantly not old; oh no.

So there you have it - My bro's a fool. And one soon to be turned into a frog no doubt.


Anonymous said...

I believe she is a witch! Shes only near a skool so she can eat the children. I think we should tie her to a cross and burn her!

MrDTB said...

I believe that dunking's the preferred method of despatching witches - that way she has a right to clear her name. If she survives she must be a witch and we can burn her (at a stake) if not then ooops we were wrong - probably.