Monday, June 19, 2006

I told you I'd be back.

Some little thing did crop up in my mind..

When I was cycling to work this morning (along the canal) there was a family of geese - not great on bird breeds but I guess they were the Canadian kind (yep, thanks google). And at first I just saw the one of them, I was a bit tired and mainly looking at the path ahead of me, and it lurched out a bit from the grass verge and craned it's neck to hiss loudly at me causing me to veer away a little (which was the desired affect I guess). Then I noticed another just a little way down the verge and it was doing much the same in anticipation of my arrival. And then, only as I passed did I notice the little furry huddle of about 4 or 5 goslings between them, and it was so cute - in a scary geese kinda way - to see the parents on sentry duty protecting the little ones. The way they were at either end of the verge, and a little distant so the babes had a safe buffer zone as it where. And the whole being big and hissy at me had the desired effect 'cause it wasn't till I was passing by that I noted the little 'uns.

I was pretty glad I was on my bike however and could just zip past - those geese can be scary-assed birds and it ain't all that big a toepath.

I also discovered (just now) that the proper latin type name for the candadian goose is "Branta canadensis". Doesn't that just sound like something you'd need to take lots of antibiotics and special cream for!

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