Monday, February 26, 2007

Naughty, Naughty Greggy

So my Lovely Bro-in-Law is trying to buy a house (not that he doesn't own two already) - actually I guess what they are trying to do is build an extension with out the hassle of all the building bit. He's got the two centre cottages of a terrace (they only count as one in the above reckoning up BTW) and they're after the end one, in order to make an UberHouse. You can get the general idea if you look here. It's everything from the fairly obvious change in roof slates/ second long window from the right, heading left. A reasonable property I guess.

Anyway, it's going up by auction this is fairly hair-raising in itself. And requires, in order the bid be completed, that you provide a certain amount of photo id, utility statements etc. Bro-in-Law very sensibly put these in the boot of his car so as not to forget to bring them from Oxford (location of first house).

They then travelled in Sister-in-law's car. DOH.

This meant he had to drive to Oxford again - at about 8.00pm ish, yesterday. And then straight back again. Ouch. I being the gallant soul I am agreed to assist in the driving and genrally be company for him. Yep I'm nice. And modest too.

All was going swimmigly - we'd had quite a large and late luch, so decided to push off and get a service station burger along the way. Sweet.

So decide to stop around nine. All OK. Siddle up to BK's and order 2 veggie burgers (he's also kinda veggie). Nope says the greasy burger-wallah. Okay 2 Bean burgers then. Again nope. So we wander on, foraging for more appealing food stuffs - all the rest of the chow looks particularly grim, and we really fancy something hot and not a wilting sarnie so we decided to push on to the next service station. When we get there it has a Wimpy (a think Yeah to myself as I quite enjoy Wimpy in a retro kinda way). But it's shut. Also shut is the canteen type thing. So on we go. When we get to the next place ditto. Wimpy shut, canteen shut, little shop thing - Not even any veggie sarnies. Lucky for Greg they had some paninis in the coffee shop - or else I may have given up vegetarianisms early.

And taken up cannibalism instead.

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