A death in the family.....
I awoke the other day to my wife asking 'shouldn't I be at work already?'
'no' I reply - looking at my mobile/alarm clock 'it's only 04.30' (well okay I didn't say oh-four-thirty but you get the idea). 'Nope' says my wife nodding to her alarm clock 'it's after eight'.
Bloody mobile. Little back story here, the alarm belongs to my wife (my mobile (or handy as my Step-father would have it) was flat), and it tends to forget to keep counting when switched off. But as it wasn't mine I forgot this - hence my still snoring at 8.15 when I should be handing out drugs at 6.30.
So I phone work and speak to my boss - 'My mobile died in the night' I say 'so that's why you couldn't raise me'
My boss was remarkably nice; 'Oh, I am sorry' she say 'How are you? Don't bother coming in today - and give me a call later about tomorrow, now I've got to go; but are you sure your okay?" I just made sort of positive grunting sounds, still being 93% asleep.
Bloody mobile. Little back story here, the alarm belongs to my wife (my mobile (or handy as my Step-father would have it) was flat), and it tends to forget to keep counting when switched off. But as it wasn't mine I forgot this - hence my still snoring at 8.15 when I should be handing out drugs at 6.30.
So I phone work and speak to my boss - 'My mobile died in the night' I say 'so that's why you couldn't raise me'
My boss was remarkably nice; 'Oh, I am sorry' she say 'How are you? Don't bother coming in today - and give me a call later about tomorrow, now I've got to go; but are you sure your okay?" I just made sort of positive grunting sounds, still being 93% asleep.
Now the whole 'can't come in today' bit wasn't to much of a surprise, I was only on an early - due to finish around 12.30 and the main part of the work is done by 10.00 in any case. So that combined with the rush hour meaning I wouldn't get into work till around 09.30 - I reckoned there was little point in tipping up. They'd get my time when it was more usefully later in the month after all. However, the whole call me about tomorrow thing was a bit weird, as was the undue concern. But what the hey.
So I called her back - 'I am sorry to hear about your loss, are you sure it's okay'; 'Yep', I reply fairly ambivalently - if a little confused. 'Now, what shift are you meant to be on tomorrow? We'll try to cover it'. My confusion is building now, as is my concern for my managers mental health, 'Right' I said, 'and why would I not be coming in tomorrow?'
Well, I guess you've got it by now - I said mobile, she heard mum. We soon got it sorted out.
But what if we hadn't - I could of just said 'thanks a lots, I'll do some gardening.'
So I called her back - 'I am sorry to hear about your loss, are you sure it's okay'; 'Yep', I reply fairly ambivalently - if a little confused. 'Now, what shift are you meant to be on tomorrow? We'll try to cover it'. My confusion is building now, as is my concern for my managers mental health, 'Right' I said, 'and why would I not be coming in tomorrow?'
Well, I guess you've got it by now - I said mobile, she heard mum. We soon got it sorted out.
But what if we hadn't - I could of just said 'thanks a lots, I'll do some gardening.'
Apparently, all my colleagues thought I was bereaved - a collection had been started; all that. I could of strung it out for a couple of weeks even maybe. Come back made up some excuse. Maybe even said I was so devastated by the loss of my Sony Ericisson!
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