Christmas Prezzie
So. I spent most of the day trying to create a page to host a virtual(ish) version of our one-size-fits-all Christmas calendar.
I used google pages, which is incredibly easy to use and provides okay if somewhat formulaic results preeety quick. Absolutely fine for my needs though.
The thing that took the time was trying to workout the best way of uploading the stupidly large word doc' that was the calendar in the first place. Obviously write to pdf was my first port of call. I used cutepdf writer, on the recommendation of Mr Smeeth. It seems okay to use and was free (a key point)- but rendered a yet larger file.
I tried using 7-zip to shrink it but as most of the size of the file is pictures (I assume) it didn't work terribly well. Of course it's entirely possible (a) I had no idea what I was doing or (b) it ain't that good - as I've only un-zipped stuff with it before.
I then had a little bit of trouble working out if I could upload a file. Y'see the doohicky says 'upload a file', but all the help seemed to refer only to photo's. Tricky. Also I couldn't find any reference to the max file size.
A little rooting through the google help pages revealed nothing. However, a foray to the appropriate google group was much more productive. Giving me all the info I needed - and more.
So you can see the (somewhat pitiful) final product here-
And if you didn't get a Christmas calendar - sorry help yourself. Ditto if your calendar had a page missing (doh!).
Ken - Don't no if you read this but there is one on the way, along with the rest of the prezzie.
Ste - Ditto the second half now you are in the country.